
The primary objective of the Delaware Association of Appraisers, Inc. is to promote and protect the collective interests of all member appraisers working in the State of Delaware.

Additional objectives and functions include:

  1. To unite those engaged in the appraisal profession for the purpose of exerting a beneficial influence upon the profession and related interests.
  2. To monitor and report items affecting the profession by actions of regulatory, legislative, oversight and/or standards setting bodies.
  3. To promote and communicate needed changes in laws, rules and regulations affecting appraisers working in Delaware.
  4. To provide a medium for members to interact with each other and other segments of related industries through the use of meetings, education courses/seminars, a website, emails, newsletters and any other method deemed appropriate.
  5. To provide any other services, guidance, and assistance to members as prescribed by the Board of Directors and/or membership that advances the interest of the organization as a whole.
  6. To subscribe to and abide by the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice and all Rules and Regulations imposed by licensing and/or standards setting bodies, including the Appraisal Qualifications and the Appraisal Standards Board and the State of Delaware.
Membership in the DAA is available to all appraisers licensed to practice in the State of Delaware, regardless of their state of residency.